More Bay Area Housing Prices in the news

By Jay

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Another Seattle Times article discussing California, Bay area housing and the flight of those in the tech industry.  We are placing many Seattle tenants with very similar stories:

Bay area, San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge

Tech firms in pricey San Francisco see exodus to Seattle

Many companies are opening offices in Seattle and other cities as the technology-jobs boom that’s made San Francisco one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S. is starting to taper off.

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When automation-software company executive David Nichols and his wife were preparing to start a family last year, he learned that the rent on his San Francisco office was set to jump 50 percent. So he picked up and moved to Portland.

The technology-jobs boom that’s made San Francisco one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S. is starting to taper off as it becomes too pricey for the workers. That’s led some companies to open offices in such places as Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles to draw in-demand software engineers who want a similar quality of life at a lower price.


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